Add image uploading to your message board, blog or website

The easiest way to attach images to posts
The Postimage plugin adds a tool to quickly upload and attach images to posts. All images are uploaded to the our servers so there is no need to worry about disk space, bandwidth bills or web server configuration. Our plugin is a perfect solution for forums with visitors who are not quite tech savvy, and have difficulties uploading images to the Internet or don't know how to use [img] bbcodes.
NB: Your images will never be removed for inactivity.
Select your message board software (more forum and website engines are coming soon):
How it works:
- When starting a new thread or posting a reply you see an "Add image to post" link below the text area:
- Click that link. A popup will appear that will allow you to select one or more images from your computer. Click the "Choose files" button to open the file picker:
- As soon as you close the file picker, the selected images will get uploaded to our site and the appropriate bbcodes will be automatically inserted into your post:
- Click "Submit" when you have finished editing the post. Thumbnails of your images will appear in the post, and they will also link to the bigger versions of your images hosted at our website.